10 years Blog IT koehler

The estimated reading time 1 minutes

It’s hard to believe, but this blog is exactly 10 years old today. I launched this blog in 2014, and since then, more than 2 million people have found information on it. Originally, the intention was to create an online knowledge database for myself, but it has evolved well due to the number of accesses and the changing usage.

At this point, I would like to thank everyone for the numerous comments and feedback. As of today, this blog will continue, and as previously announced, I will publish a new article on various topics once a month.

A little something about the blog’s statistics:

Articles published330
Comments received and answered534
Newsletters sent75
Monthly views~10,000
Total web space~5GB
Monthly traffic~50GB

I hope the blog continues to receive approval, and I naturally look forward to many more comments.

With that in mind, I wish you continued success in finding solutions, and hopefully, we’ll see you again on my blog.

Yours sincerely, Alexander Köhler

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