Exchange Online mailbox apps check via PowerShell

Some days ago I got a ticket where someone could not load his calendar in Microsoft Teams. Outlook worked fine the only thing was Out of Office Notification, also did not work. After some research I found the solution by activating EWS on this specific mailbox. One our later everything was fine. You can find …

Exchange Online Enforcement Pause

Lot of people already know the new Microsoft strategy for blocking outdated Exchange OnPrem Versions in hybrid environments. See this old article which describes the most important informations, see also the timeline for throttling and blocking. After some time the Exchange Teams announced an new article about pausing this enforcement with throttling and blocking. …

Exchange SU Security Update November 2023

One month after realesing Exchange October update Microsoft launched another SU for November. Some CVE are patched and a “new” Feature is activated. Original blogpost can be found here. SUs are available for the following specific versions of Exchange Server: The process of updating did not change during this year, so nothing special here. Only …

Cleanup M365 Azure AD groups via PowerShell

Clearing old or orphaned groups is also important in cloud environments, especially in larger structures. So an easy way is to check if there are disabled users in Azure AD groups. Of course there can be also some license savings in M365 if disabled users are removed. This use case I wrote a small PowerShell …